Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Luchazer CCP Pics!

Big thanks to my friend and fellow Yudekkii, Clinton aka Luchazer, for sharing his amazing Kinnikuman CCP collection with Nama Niku!  Clinton is without a doubt one of the most dedicated CCP fans that I know of, and a regular on the CCP message boards.

Here are a few of my favorites, enjoy ~

 Images Compliments of Luchazer

Check out his full Kinnikuman photo set on flicker.


  1. Thank you dude ^o^. (in fact it's Luchazer, like mazinger doing Lucha-Libre Hahaha, stupide nickname in fact hahaha)

    I'm feeling alone sometime with my CCP Kinnikuman collection, in particulary in France, but no matter ^o^, that's a childhood nostalgia with more mature value.

    I think than CCP have a unique connection with fans, you can speak directly, or make propositions. Endo Naoki inject more Fans spirit, Underground spirit, and Rock spirit than another enterprises, but that's just my feeling...

    Thank you to you "King.the.100t", to have intruduce my collection in your great blog!!^O^

    YOU ROCK!!!

  2. Fixed the name! Sorry about that lol

    Thank you Clinton! Amazing collection!
