Friday, December 28, 2012

Kin Fan Friday ~ 金ファンフライデー Part 7

Kin Fan Friday #7
Yudekkii: KinnikumanWari
Country: Japan 日本

Autographed Coupy-pencil case and Wari-san's art space!  This is 
his special place for inspiration when working on his own artwork.

   These are rocks and pieces of concrete collected from the apartment 
building where Yudetamago grew up in Osaka.  The building was 
recently demolished, making these pieces extra special.  It takes a 
true Yudekkii* to preserve these hallowed Kinniku artifacts!!!

Incredible Collection!  Vintage Kinnikuman Manga set
Yudetamago Autographs, Kinkeshi galore, Romandos etc.

Kinnikuman Wristband Muscle Power!
(Shinsekai Muscle Shop Exclusive Item)

Also be sure to check out his massive collection pic from this year's Nama Niku photo contest.

* ユデッキー (Yudekkii) is the Japanese term used to describe hardcore Kinnikuman fans.  (Think Yudetamago + a play on similar fan terms like "Trekkie").

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